Tips for the Donor Detail Section



The specific information and communication details for a contact/donor.
You may add a donor from the button at the top right. The following info can be seen on the individual record.

General Donor Tab
Donor Info area:

This area must be saved after a change.

If you delete a donor, it is permanently removed. There is not an undo feature available. So be sure you want to delete your record.

The Donor Options area:

Here is where you can group your donors/contacts.

  • All primary email addresses will receive an email (when it is sent) if they are on an email list designated under the options section that you have created. i.e. news email list. (Only primary email addresses will be used in your email communication areas.)
  • If there is a red triangle after the email address on their donor tab in the communications area, then the email address is invalid or undeliverable and cannot be used. This prevents your emails from being listed as spam on a Blacklist Report internet providers block. The triangle is applied after the email has bounced twice at least 1 week apart. For Mailchimp, the triangle is applied after an email hard bounces, and the email address is marked as cleaned in Mailchimp.
    FAQ - What report shows those in each email list? Donor Option Report/Export See Tips on Reports
  • Corresponds with Related items: Donor Option Export (Under Reports Section) and Bulk Communications.
The Address area and Communication email area:

To see a list of contacts in a given option group, they can be seen on the Donor Options Report.

Contribution Donor Tab
  • ‘Print Receipt’ lists all donations for this donor in a pdf and downloads it.
  • ‘Add Contribution’ brings up a modal that has a field for all characteristics of that donation.

This tab is where a pledge is associated with a donation. A motivation can be assigned here as well. If you have a batch created, you can assign the donation here. If not, you can assign it later in the Batches/Reconciliation area.

Communication Donor Tab
  • Corresponds with Related Items: Bulk Communication Section.

    Here is where a communication can be recorded.

    All communications will show up in the Bulk Communications area and a history will be in the donor detail record also. If the ‘date sent’ is assigned then it will be considered complete.

Orders Tab

Here is where an order may be recorded. When an order is added a modal will display all the fields needed to describe the order, including a batch field to reconcile with donations that are deposited into your financial account. The right bottom of the modal displays an ‘add items’ button that provides an area, upon click, to add an order and also a donation with an order.

Pledge Commitments

Here is where you may add a pledge to a donor record. You must add a pledge here first to be able to assign a donation to a pledge on the contribution tab.

A pledge here must also be created to match a contribution to a pledge campaign. See Tips for Pledge Campaigns for more information

Volunteer Hours

Here is where you may add a time pledge to a donor record. The time logs are entered via a kiosk that has been activated by an admin. Each volunteer has a pin to use for the kiosk. It can be autogenerated or manually created. It is found on this tab.
See Tips for Volunteer Kiosk for more information